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Old 11-22-2009, 03:09 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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I don't see how because I spelled it out pretty clearly in my last post. Reread what I wrote. Therein lies what I think are the (obvious) reasons publicly carrying on this "debate" in our forum is more than a foolish exercise.

Let me make this simpler: As soon as you can point out to me the benefit that would have accrued to us had Jean been entirely successful, you will have laid the first section of a reasonable refutation of what I stated. Let's just suppose that Jean's reasoned arguments had ever had a snowball's chance in Hell of succeeding, rather than generating the more-than-predictable blustery outburst about Gilchrist, organizational responses, choosing sides and other Nightingale-esque nonsense. You tell me what that would have been our gain.
OK, I'll start by reminding you of what came of me responding to Nightingales email campaign to discredit me after she evicted me from SOS months ago. Some truths were allowed to escape from the claws of those that have worked fervently to keep them under their control. In addition, people reading that reached out to me with their own stories, and it snowballed. I might also remind you that it was your response to that which taught me that you weren't driven from the movement by acts just like those. I had no idea you were still alive and active until then. That goes the same for numerous others that responded. And many of them are here now.
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