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Old 04-10-2011, 02:17 PM
Don Don is offline
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Interesting interpretation of Barack Obama, however unsupported and conjectural most of it is. It's not easy to get the true facts on this imposter because so much of his background is clearly prepared for him by handlers and ghost writers.

I'm studying him in some detail and endeavor not to rely on unnamed sources with extravagant claims, like the foregoing.

There are some points worth making:

1. BHO's Selective Service Registration is most surely a fraud. It is stamped in 1980 with a Post Office stamp that says: "USPO". Presumably this means "United States Post Office."

The problem with this is that in 1970, Pres. Nixon signed legislation reorganizing the post office and changing its name to United States Postal Service i.e. USPS. All of the mailings I've sent are stamped USPS.

Now we're presented, ex post facto, with Obama's purported 1980 Selective Service card using a stamp ("USPO") that was ten years out of date.

2. Criminal background.

A newly developing story is Obama's use of a Social Security Number originally issued to another person in the State of Connecticut, a state in which Obama never resided and which he has only visited in connection with campaign trips and running for public office. More details are developing on this. Hopefully something concrete appears in time for the 2012 election

The use of someone else's SSN, apart from being a crime itself, is consistent with criminal behavior, as is Obama's admitted extensive drug use during his younger years, extending well into his college years at Occidental. He doesn't say much about drug use at Columbia, but it's a little naive to think that the leopard changed its spots just because it moved across the country. One thing obvious from Dreams From My Father, and its endless neurotic introspection and hand wringing, is that Obama is seriously mentally ill. Yet he commands America's armed forces and nuclear arsenal.

Moving on... Obama is most certainly a tax cheat, right along side the Clintons, Tim Geitner, Charles Wrangel, Dan Rostenkowsky, etc. What else would you expect?

His trafficking in drugs, however, is much more conjectural, based on the sparse record.

Obama is clearly not your typical feral street black who stumbled first into the United States Senate and then in the Presidency. He had a lot of help from "powers behind the throne."

The watershed event in Obama's life is his tenure as a community organizer in Chicago, immediately before attending Harvard Law School. There is no evidence of any of the exceptional intellectual ability traditionally associated with Harvard applicants. How did this mediocre, dried out drug addict get into Harvard, arguably the premier law school in the United States to which hundreds of America's best and brightest are rejected for each applicant who is accepted? That's the real question here and there is no obvious answer. I believe that "powers behind the throne" greased some palms at some level, but I can't prove it.

There is a lot more work that needs to be done on this imposter. Hopefully it will be completed before he imposes martial law, suspends the bill of rights and habeus corpus, and has us carted off to slave labor camps.
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