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Old 06-05-2011, 09:47 PM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by Eagle1 View Post
I wonder why Jeff Schwilk jumps to Chelene's defense whenever she whispers in his ear?
Because they're two peas in a pod. They occupy very similar positions. Schwilk defending Nightingale, is a stone's throw away from defending himself. A lot of the criticisms that can be made about Chelene, could just as easily be laid at Schwilk's feet.

Think about what they have in common.

A. Both at mid-life without a great deal of opportunity to better themselves or their prospects in life.
B. Both have enjoyed a degree of success and recognition in the anti-illegal immigration movement.
C. Both largely unsuccessful in other endeavors prior to '05. Before age 40, Chelene accumulated a small string of acting and modeling credits to put on her resume. Jeff had an entirely unremarkable military career, and essentially retired just before age 40.
D. Both have limited prospects of receiving the notoriety/recognition/cred enjoyed by Jim Gilchrist.
E. Both are possessed of very average intelligence and not a great deal of formal education. Unless they select their surroundings/compatriots very carefully, both are rarely the smartest person in the room ... or even the second smartest (that's problematic when you have your heart set on being in charge).
F. Both committed major blunders while entrusted with leading organizations. Chelene disintegrated/alienated the bulk of Save Our State's membership, while Jeff turned himself into a search engine joke and racked up a string of lawsuit judgments.
G. Both know well the pressure of financial distress.
H. Both are big-time conspiracy theory devotees (not a little, a LOT).
I. Both have major personality/emotional failings/weaknesses. Schwilk has a smoking temper that gets him in trouble, and Chelene becomes very uncomfortable when she is receiving insufficient attention and praise.

It makes sense to me why he constantly has her back. Besides, he's tailor made for her. Chelene is a physically and, can be, personally attractive woman. She's quite capable of making men feel good about themselves in a very basic way. And her charm doesn't involve having to sleep around or even letting a guy lay a finger on her. She's practiced at being a desired female, and she can turn it on for the right audience. Guys will defend that. It's not an insignificant thing in life.

Last edited by; 06-05-2011 at 09:53 PM.
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