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Old 01-18-2010, 08:53 AM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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Originally Posted by wetibbe View Post
The answer is NO.

There is no fundamental reason to justify taking in the remnants of every natural disaster in the world. We have our own disaster here already - millions of needy Americans. 50% black unemployment in cities. 80% unemployment on Indian reservations. Our cities and states are going bankrupt. The boat is FULL !

Question - How many Haitians came to the Gulf Coast to help Katrina victims ?

There are plenty of Caribbean Islands that can take in those needy. For Example Cuba.

How many Haitians is Hugo Chavez going to take in. Saudi Arabia ? The Emirates ?

If those are African descendants then it is only natural that they should emigrate back to their roots.

BTW maybe some should remain in Haiti and help reconstruct the nation.

And maybe Oprah Winfrey and Danny Glover could open up an orphanage there in Haiti !!! Maybe Tiger Woods would like to assist ? Or Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson ?
I agree. It isn't a good thing for America to keep on bringing people from around the world whenever there is a calamity and throwing them on the backs of our taxpayers. We are overwhelmed as it is and the results of decades of our governments stupid gathering of refugees to bring here has completely weakened and demoralized us. I am furious over this stuff. As stated by others, there are other countries that can help these unfortunate people. Why are we always forced to to give up what we have to accomodate others? This is just stupid US Gov BS!
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