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Old 11-18-2014, 06:32 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 801
Default Calamity coming soon.

Why is he deliberately propagating a national conflagration?

Is it that he has gone completely off the rails and no longer sees reality?

He' bluffing ?

He's so completely out of touch that he doesn't know what reality is?

He thinks the Republicans are helpless ninny's?

He has convinced himself that he is invincible and unstoppable ?

He I so determined/fanatical to implement his agenda that he will take the risk regardless of the ultimate consequences ?

He is so confident that he has the Chutzpah to evade any calamity?

Republicans, my advice is to call his bluff then pull the roof down !

I was not in favor of impeachment but if he continues on his mad hatter misadventure then I will absolutely shift over to being STRONGLY in favor not only of impeachment but removal from office too. ASAP.

Pull out all of the stops and halt his agenda in it's tracks. Before he crashes the entire country. And before it is too late.

If the Germans had had the balls to do it we would not have had Adolph Hitler.

If the Russians had the balls we would not have had Joseph Stalin.

If the Cubans had the balls we would not have Fidel Castro.

If the Japanese had the balls , not Admiral Yamamoto.

The beat goes on:

North Korea. Kim Jong-Un

Iran. Ali Khamenei

Syria. Bashar al-Assad

The Taliban


Argentina's Juan Peron *( Succeeded by Eva Peron who was by trade a cabaret dancer ).

Chile's Salvador Allende

Haiti's Jean Claude "Papa Doc" Duvalier.

Venezuela's Hugo Chavez

Panama's Manuel Noriega

Palestine's Yaser Arafart

Peru's Albereto Fujimori

Nicaragua's Anastazio Somoza

And how many more, on and on---------------------

Can we add Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. aka Barry Soetoro, the mystery man.

All through history, very common part of it.

But our present seems to flock with the "supreme leader" crowd in mentality and performance.

When will it end and who will end it ?

Last edited by wetibbe; 11-18-2014 at 01:59 PM.
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