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Old 01-27-2010, 01:01 PM
MowMyOwn MowMyOwn is offline
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Originally Posted by Ole Glory View Post
E-mailed from Robin. Letter to the Editor.

I read the article on the Internet "Santa Clarita councilman says he is a `proud racist'".

I attended the Santa Clarita rally.

In my opinion, the statement made by Councilman Kellar has been taken completely out of context. Of note, the video on the Daily News website reveals that the speaker who followed the councilman, Jamiel Shaw, lost his precious son to a murderer - an illegal alien gang member, the tragic end result of lawlessness. A father's endless sorrow.

I would like to also point out that the narrator in the video, Frank Jorge, is a legal immigrant from Cuba. The video clip features Councilman Kellar an Anglo American, Frank Jorge a Latino American and Jamiel Shaw, an African American. In addition, Raymond Herrera founder of We The People, quoted in this article is a Latino American.

These days, those who support breaking immigration laws, lob the word "racist" like a bomb, in order to detract from the fact: those in the U.S. illegally are breaking the law.

Racist. It is used like a weapon by those who want to avoid the issue, which is lawbreaking. But the word racist is being used inaccurately and, I think, because it is being overused so incorrectly one day soon, the word racist, used as a weapon, will be obsolete.

Why is America great? Because we are a nation of laws.

In my opinion, that was what Councilman Kellar communicated - if the word racist means law abiding American, then he is a "proud racist" - a proud American upholding U.S. laws.

A pious Fernando Guerra, director of the Center for the Study of Los Angeles at Loyola Marymount University, wades into the topic to take pot shots at the councilman.

Who is Fernando Guerra? Guerra is a member of many Latino only groups just a few of them are: 1. National Association for Chicano Studies 2. Latino community in the State’s Growth Management Consensus Project 3. He worked on a book on the political empowerment of Latinos in California. And Guerra is quoted in articles proclaiming the "browning" of society and has been purported to have made the comment, "We need to avoid a white backlash by using codes understood by Latinos."

Kellar talked about upholding U.S. law, being proud of America, while Guerra, via his career, boldly promotes one race. Who is the racist?

Mr. Herrera's comments in the article that Mexicans should stand up in Mexico is the solution.

Countries around the globe and south of our border - Mexico for example - abuse and neglect their citizens. When those citizens enter the U.S. and reside illegally, those who support illegal immigration are enabling corrupt governments, such as the Mexican government, to continue the abuse of its citizens.

The real culprits in the debate are governments of countries such as Mexico. But when do the enablers who promote immigration lawbreaking go after Mexico? Never. They make American citizens their scapegoat - paint them as bad people, demonizing them for advocating that U.S. laws be upheld, respected and enforced.

In regard to the word racist, I believe Councilman Kellar is ahead of the curve, exposing the abusive usage of this word. He has the courage - to stand up for the law!

I look forward to the day, I predict in the near future, when the incorrect use of the word racist against law abiding Americans will be rendered impotent, and go the way of the dinosaur and the dodo into extinction....

Robin Hvidston
This is a good write-up, worth a second read. Robin nailed a few points here.

Last edited by MowMyOwn; 01-27-2010 at 01:19 PM.
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