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Old 12-06-2009, 09:45 AM
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JB_Parrothead JB_Parrothead is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Mexifornia
Posts: 48
Angry I'm SICK of all those illegal alien EXTORTIONISTS!

Those whining, complaining, dispicable masses of third world thugs that come here by breaking our laws and then being arrogant enough to start bi*ching about how bad they have it here need to keep it in perspective and STFU!! They've been rewarded for breaking our laws and Americans have NOT mistreated them.

I've NEVER in my lifetime ever heard any other group in this country complain, whine and bi*ch more than illegal alien Hispanics!!! They're weak minded, arrogant whiners that whine about EVERYTHING here, but don't have the guts to whine about their own country!!

They need to understand just what starving is and quit making up BS and telling outright LIES for sympathy.

THIS is starving:

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