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Old 12-31-2013, 06:46 PM
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Originally Posted by wetibbe View Post
Illegal immigration and politics are certainly closely intertwined.

It is said that "comprehensive immigration reform" is actually amnesty. To some extent I agree. However, I see it much more in depth. First, comprehensive is a non-descript word. Second - "reform" hasn't been defined clearly. Everyone has their own interpretation. In Nancy Pelosi's mind she aspires to STOP enforcing immigration laws. Her classic: You have to pass it to find out what's in it !!!!!!

We saw in the initial days of Obamas campaign he kept proposing "CHANGE" but he never spelled out the details. Six years later we now find out what his "CHANGE" is.

It is abundantly clear that the Federal Customs and Immigration laws are not all being enforced or even close to being. We see Mayors and Governors who make up their own stuff with complete impunity. Yet those dedicated sheriffs and LEO's who enforce said laws are sued by the Government and ruled against by liberal, progressive judges.

So "comprehensive immigration reform" is actually a farce, phony, disingenuous, fake. In reality it is relaxing and ignoring the existing laws and weakening the enforcement. Not exactly amnesty but a component of weakening enforcement in virtually all areas.

In the case of Democrats - more votes. In the case of Republicans - stealing Democrat's thunder and pandering to illegals for the same purpose plus cheap labor and a multitude of other so called "benefits".

__________________________________________________ ____________

NB: The statement that Obama has deported more illegals than anyone else is disputed by some who are knowledgeable. Typically the books are being "cooked" - i,e, phony numbers. For example including the illegal border jumpers who are turned back by the border patrol. They were never actually residents here and went back often the same day.

Note that "deportation" entails legal proceedings and an order from a judge for someone who actually took up residence here, lived in a house, or room, worked, had family and so on.
It's all spin anymore, the modern version of the used car salesman peddling a shined up old wreck with a reset odometer and sawdust packed into the rear differential to tamp down the noise of worn out gears and declaring it was driven by a little old lady from (a long gone world) Pasadena only on Sundays.

It's lying to get into your wallet, your shorts, or otherwise manipulate you into something you disagree with and is ultimately painful and make you thank them for it.

But the cooked numbers for deportation aren't helping him with his base that wants to see an amnesty. His prevarications, bungling, and presumption is starting to remind me of England's King James II, the monarch who definitely believed in the divine right of kings and pissed off everyone in the Kingdom, and eventually forced him to flee into exile disguised as a woman - to be replaced by a solicited foreigner from the Netherlands who became King William III of England.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 12-31-2013 at 06:58 PM.
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