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Old 04-28-2010, 03:16 PM
PochoPatriot PochoPatriot is offline
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Originally Posted by MowMyOwn View Post
This kind of public guilt mongering is unnecessary, I wish you would refrain from this kind of attitude, it really makes me not want to show up, it's uninviting.

Alot of successful rallies were done through email or just simply invitation announcement (like Glory posted), not by a show of hands on a public message board.
Though Jean can speak for herself, I want to say that there is nothing wrong with asking the members of a forum about their willingness to participate in events. Having organized a few events in the past, I can say that there is nothing more discouraging than to have an event that no one shows up to.

Secondly, having some sort of idea as to how many people we are expecting is good to have since it allows the organizer to communicate with LE, and they can know how many LEOs to assign to an event. This is important since the other side will not hesitate to resort to violence.

I understand your concerns. However, I trust the mods and organizers on this board with my life, and more importantly my wife's life. Why? Because they know how to plan, and how to protect their own.
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