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Old 11-15-2009, 08:27 PM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by LAPhil View Post
Self-defense is fine. You do what you have to do to protect yourself. If you think Naui has "bounced back" maybe it's because he's had over a year to do it. All I'm saying is that I feel all the celebration over the pepper spraying has been inappropriate and excessive.
OK Phil, I'll take the heat off you by becoming the pariah. Now that we're having Naui confessionals ...

I'll agree with the excessive part. The endless joy his physical suffering has produced still amazes me. Naui's just uneducated and resentful. There are more unforgivable characters running around out there whom we encounter.

If people would stop voluntarily performing for his camera when he and his Left-of-Patty Hearst associates arrive, he'd have no reason to show up. We have no one to blame but ourselves for his continued presence. He arrives and people respond like a bunch of Pavlovian dogs. They can't wait to start spouting off, blocking his camera and behaving like minor league bullies. It's always the same show, too. Some bitter sounding, angry, marginally educated types trying to intimidate him and prevent him from simply shooting film in a public place.

And you know what, he accomplishes his goal. In fact, he's gotten better at it since I first encountered him in '06. Naui gives us the opportunity to look like sh-- in his videos, and that's what we do. A pack of dumb, poorly informed, angry rednecks; that's the image he wants to shoot and make public. He commonly gets what he's looking for, too. We provide him with images anyone who wants to search on the internet can find.

Look at what he just filmed and posted. A Birther spouting off some idiocy about Kenya, Indonesia and another guy, almost twice Naui's size with a stupid grin on his face, attempting to block his camera with a U.S. flag.

It's a big, royal embarrassment for us - every time.

And I'm really growing tired of it because it is entirely something over which we have control.

Last edited by; 11-15-2009 at 08:38 PM.
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