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Old 11-15-2009, 04:32 PM
Don Don is offline
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Default Conduct Issues At Events

I saw a video of the Pasadena rally on YouTube, posted by a guy named "Naui", apparently a Mexican activist of some kind, always screaming about racism.

Some of the SOS/Tea Party types he "interviewed" seemed a little defensive with this insect. Why does anybody give him the satisfaction of even answering his questions and why are Americans so defensive?

This little insect came to our country for a better life that was apparently not available to him in his own land. We need to stop apologizing every time one of these "people" start screaming "racism." Mexicans have had their own country for 500 years and if they can't make it work after all that time, it's not our fault. We should not be punished and should certainly not apologize for 500 years of national disaster that is their country.
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