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Old 03-31-2010, 02:32 PM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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If you know something not posted above that assures his guilt, you should share it.

Meanwhile, it's good to hear they caught the guy and are prosecuting him for aiding and abetting. He will get a trial. Obviously, the woman is guilty. Why aren't we hearing more about her? Has she been arrested? She's the real guilty one and she needs to be prosecuted, jailed and deported. He is more likely to be an innocent bystander than she is, yet we are not obliged to get excited about her, just the police officer
You are truly unbelievable. The post was about the antics of the police officer. The woman is another story and I will trust they attend to her also.
I have to agree with a post a few days ago, you will argue with anything.
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