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Old 08-15-2010, 05:41 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: So CA
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It really is time to clean up this mess once and for all. Vote yes on Proposition 19. Starve the Cartels, shut down the "medical marijuana" dispensaries. Take marijuana off the streets and out of the schools and put in the hands of those who think they will still care about it when it is no longer a forbidden vice and takes it's place along side beer and cigarettes.
I have never seen anyone push for the legalization of an illegal product so hard.

I will not tell you how many years I have lived with out the 'help' of some illegal drug, plant or drink. What ever decision I have ever made was with a clear mind.

Do you ever question why we are having so many big rig accidents? Bet dollars to donuts the 'weed' is the cause of many of them. Tobacco does not impair the brain but someone decided it causes cancer which I still doubt. Alcohol is one of the worsts things for impairing the brain, but no one talks about it.
Don't you realize a lot of crime is caused because individuals are bummed out because of some substance?
Seems to me these vices are pushed by those who want a dumbed down brain and their only solution is "legalize" it, I gotta have it. Tax money is not the solution to everything.
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