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Old 11-14-2009, 03:05 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
SOS Associate
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 3,057

Well, I'm jealous of two things you have,

A new camera and slightly better turnout. There were less than fifty, but more than 20 up here in Sac. It was good either way. I met a few new folks, got re-acquainted with some others, and visited with still others that have been within our midst already, but we haven't met up recently.
The sun was shining, and everyone held discussions in smaller groups, but all united on the one front. I think the movement is rekindling. I passed out Kim's fliers until they were gone, and DARsacramento and I distributed tools of the activist trade to willing users. Clip strips to hang fliers on around town, and acrylic sign holders for use at events or similar venues. They gobbled them all up, and of course the only string attached was please consider SOS when searching for a platform for your activist needs.
We marched around the capitol with signs, stopping at one busy intersection to hold them up for passers-by for 15 minutes or more. Got lots of thumbs up and honks. I think the reception impressed or at least encouraged the more tenured activists in our group.
I wasn't able to take the billboard. When I showed up at the storage facility, it was blocked in by a truck and trailer. It's been so long since it was out, some new person probably wasn't aware it was a crucial piece of artillery for us. And no camera either. I'm not sure what the problem is with it other than it has been knocked out of my hands by irate day laborers, rained on during events, and overuse and age are certainly suspect too. In addition, my electric razor failed me with a half shaven face. I must have looked ridiculous to the ones with an eye for detail. Left my cell at home also.....hope none of you needed to hear from me.....
Some of that stuff I should be put on report over
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