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Old 10-30-2010, 10:31 AM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
Everyone looks for someone to Blame. They should be looking in the mirror. I am still doing all my yard work and what ever is done in the house. Some day I will not be able to keep it up, I don't know what I will do that day.
I had a small roof repair a couple of weeks ago. The company is owned by White Americans, however who shows up to work? A bunch of Spanish jabbering Hispanics. I ask "Can't you guys speak English"? The one who seemed to be the foreman said Yes. I told him then speak English.

I have said for about 5 years that all immigration should be stopped. If we have millions of Americans out of work, I see no reason to grant tourists visas, work visas or any king of refugge status to anyone. Tourists come and then just never go home.

All our arguments about illegal immigration are failing because we are electing those who are advocating for it.
Going to the polls Tue and voting is the most important thing any of us and do. Our choice of a good candidate is very poor but there is not much choice.
All I can say is vote person and not party.
Not only is the work lost to these rats, but the work they do is substandard. Part of the blame that goes to citizens is accepting substandard work. These people doing yardwork and housing repair and construction are unfit to do any of this stuff. Watching them, it's easy to wonder if they are fit to do anything at all. They slap things together artlessly and run over lawns carelessly. If it weren't for nail guns, leaf blowers and weed eaters, most of them wouldn't make any effort or fire any more neurons thinking about it either.

Would anyone purchase anything manufactured in the countries these people come out of? Of course if we are talking about China, we don't have much choice.
The United States of America is for citizens only! Everyone else OUT.
Criminalize asking party affilation for voter registration! End the "two party system"!
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