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Old 04-07-2011, 11:37 AM
Don Don is offline
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I've never been a great Trump fan, but thank God someone is talking seriously about pulling back the curtain and exposing Obama as the imposter that he is. He is a fraud and a phony for whom a history was created by handlers and ghost writers.

I don't think Trump is a serious contender for the presidency, and frankly I'm surprised that he is taking on the issue of Obama's phony background. However, I believe polling data has shown a huge amount of grass roots skepticism about Obama and Trump has jumped on this in the spirit of naked opportunism. Well, better late than never.

Much of the "birther" lore is admittedly nonsense. There is no credible evidence that Obama was born in Africa. There is, however, a huge body of credible evidence that most of his his whole biography is a fabrication created for him by "powers behind the throne." However, the growing number of people who question the conformist version of history is forcing the so called "conservative media" to take notice rather than ignore this issue. Audiences are migratory and they will migrate away from shills who cover for the "powers behind the throne." I think this is what is happening. So called "respectable conservatives" who condemn "birthers" as "nutters" are slowly but inexorably going to have to acknowledge the issue of Obama's fraudulent background or their audiences will go elsewhere.

If you want one example of Obama fakery and forgery, look at the cover of the paper back edition of Dreams From My Father. It shows what purports to be his grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, in an American military uniform. The official version of history is that Stanley served in the US Army in Europe. The picture of him on Obama's book, however, shows him wearing a U.S. Marine Corps. hat with an Army badge pinned on it. (The badge is off center). I have read and cross-checked both of Obama's ghost written books and his own books contradict each other about the family history.

Last edited by Don; 04-07-2011 at 11:42 AM.
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