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Old 08-15-2011, 06:41 AM
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StokeyBob StokeyBob is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 96

I wouldn't want you to vote against your hearts.

I believe the root of the problem with illegal immigration is the ability we have given others to print up what ever it takes to get their way.

Please forgive me for repeating this post;

When I started looking into where the money was coming from to buy off the politicians and subvert the immigration laws of the world, I came across what may be the root of many of our problems. Fiat Money.

No matter how much real money people can put together to build their countries the way they want there are those that can print up what ever it takes to get their way.

Maybe this will help make the danger of fiat money clear.

Imagine you and me are setting across from each other. We create enough money to represent all of the world's wealth. Each one of us has one SUPER Dollar in front of him.

You own half of everything and so do I.

I'm the government though. I get bribed into creating a Central Bank.

You're not doing what I want you to be doing so I print up myself eight more SUPER Dollars to manipulate you with.

All of a sudden your SUPER Dollar only represents one tenth of the wealth of the world!

That isn't the only thing though. You need to get busy and get to work because YOU'VE BEEN STIFFED with the bill for the money I PRINTED UP to get YOU TO DO what I WANTED.

That to me represents what has been happening to the economy, and us, and why so many of our occupations just can't keep up with the fake money presses.

We are going to have to regain control of our government before we can regain control of our currency. We are going to have to regain control of our currency before we can regain control of our country.

Ron Paul is the only candidate that understands we need to regain control of our currency. He has proposed returning the value of our currency to stability by tying its value to other commodities such as gold. I'm sure he understands their isn't enough gold or silver to have a dollars worth in a vault representing each dollar. It does need to be tied down in such a way as it is hard to manipulate its value or counterfeit like is now being done with abandon. We could have an honest dollar now if the supply varied with the increase and decrease of the wealth we have in the system. It has to be taken out of the hands of crooks. A dollar should be something you can bank on.

Actually I listened to Ron Paul for several years and though he does say things that concern me about illegal immigration, he also has many positive points on the topic. Plus you have the word of a man that speaks his truth. He has been making the same speeches for decades. They don't change as the wind blows.

I didn't like everything about The Honorable Ronald Reagan but he got more of the things I believed in done than I figure I could have got done myself in his position. I have the same faith in Ron Paul.

Ron Paul!

Last edited by StokeyBob; 08-15-2011 at 07:11 AM.
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