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Old 07-30-2014, 07:07 AM
Greg in LA Greg in LA is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 327

Dear Friends,
This has been a big week, and thanks to all the people who took time out of their day the phone lines at the Capitol were slammed!

I personally experienced long wait lines at the Capitol switchboard, which means hundreds of thousands of Americans were calling Washington about the surge of illegal immigrants on the Texas boarder.

John Boehner is trying to pass some kind of law to deal with the crisis before the August recess, and word is that a vote on new legislation will be on Thursday morning.

We do believe the call volume is having impact and influence on the legislation, and because of all of our calls John Boehner made a statement today that he won’t conference with the Senate on S744 the Senate amnesty bill that was lead by Senators Schumer and Rubio.

We know that John Boehner is 100% pro amnesty, and he tried to introduce an amnesty bill into the House earlier this year. We do not believe that he actually wants to stem the tide of illegal aliens that are flowing in through our Southern Border, and we do believe that Senate Democrats and pro Amnesty Republicans will conference with the Senates amnesty bill if they get half a chance, and that is why our leading organizations are asking that we tell our Congressmen to: VOTE NO on the Border surge bill!

Senator Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.) denounced the House Republican border bill as a “surrender to a lawless president”. This bill does not out law or defund Pres. Obama’s Differed Action (DACA), which is the executive order that is currently driving thousands of illegal aliens from Central America to illegally cross our borders.

President Obama has all the laws in the books to stop this border surge, and all the tools he needs, but the problem remains…President Obama, the Democrat Party and the leadership of the Republican Party do not want to stop this surge, because they want the cheap labor and the Democrat votes of newly amnestied illegal aliens.

[COLOR="Red"]This is why we ask you to tell your Congressmen NO NEW LAWS, until DACA is defunded![/COLOR]

The only House border bill that we support is Congressmen Marsha Blackburn’s bill, HR 5160.

Blackburn’s bill would defund Pres. Obama’s executive amnesty as well as prohibit work permits for illegal aliens that received executive amnesty.

Even if you have called Washington the last two days, I ask that you call with me again on Wednesday, and keep pounding some sense into Congress.

Our message:

Vote no on the border surge bill! And
No New Laws!

I am calling these Congressmen again on Wednesday:

Ed Royce: 202-225-4111

Duncan Hunter Jr: 202-225-5672

Buck McKeon: 202-225-1956

Gary Miller: 202-225-3201

Kevin McCarthy: 202-225-2915

Darrell Issa: 202-225-3906

Ken Calvert: 202-225-1986

For the Republican Congressmen out of my area I dial *67 before the phone number to hide my caller ID.
Good luck, and thank you for your efforts in fighting the border surge and anarchy on the Southern border. Our calls are having influence.


Last edited by Greg in LA; 07-30-2014 at 07:20 AM.
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