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Old 09-03-2010, 04:17 PM
EastCoastGrannie EastCoastGrannie is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 12

The Republicans are trying to clean house by rebuking the McCain RINO wing of the party. On the Democrat side, however, there is no organized revolt against the open border liberals. The Democrats in Congress, on the other hand, march in lockstep behind the party leadership, that is because the Democrats know full well that most Mexicans vote Democrat. That is why the Democrats are trying everything they can to stop Arizona. The cities that have boycotted Arizona are all Democrat run cities and of course the president is a Democrat and Eric Holder his appointed head of the Justice Department is a Democrat.

The Democrats are the leaders of all that is politically correct and they use the race card to intimidate the Republicans. No one can speak of immigration without being called a racist.
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