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Old 09-02-2010, 09:53 PM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by EastCoastGrannie View Post
Has anyone tried shaming sanctuary cities by putting signs that read SANCTUARY CITY or SAN FRANCISCO IS A SANCTUARY CITY? Just use the name of the city or you can just say sanctuary city.

Neon colored poster board could be used with bold lettering in black permanent marker. These inexpensive signs could be stabled to telephone poles or trees on busy streets especially at the entrances to the city.

This would freak out the politicians and would inform much of the citizenry. One thing that I have learned in recent years is that much of the population is in a cocoon of self-imposed cluelessness. You cannot take for granted that they will know that they are living in a sanctuary city. They have to be informed.

The politicians and local government are too busy telling the public themselves, to take the time to get "freaked out" by such a campaign.

Case in point -->

Nice idea though. Were we dealing with people with a sense of right and wrong, or familiar with the concept of shame, it might actually work.
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