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Old 01-26-2010, 09:48 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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I just returned from the city council meeting. The room was packed, and when Bob Kellar walked in he received a standing ovation. The pro Kellar was about 8 to 1. Raymond, Robin, Sam, Glory, Frank, Roger, Windy and our other speakers the Marches, Linda Paine, Lil Dog and many others who were at the rally spoke for the city councilman's and thanked him. One woman was in tears.

Of course when I arrived there were about 10 ANSWERLA there with all the new channels present, and they had their typical signage and such. Rose and I there next to them by ourselves for a while with our stop illegal immigration signs. Eventually Windy and Glory showed up and stood with us.

But they were the typical goon types and tried to get me to argue with them, but I just ignored them and spoke briefly with two people from the press. One press woman asked my name and I told her I was Jeanfromfillmore. She said what's your last name, and I responded, I'm Jeanfromfillmore. She said I need a last name, and I said you're not getting one. She responded, "But I have such great points and quotes from you, if I don't have your last name, I can't use them. I told her, "Then don't use them".

The city council meeting was alive with people who are just fed up from being ignored. They also had some speak who are running for city council, and boy is that town in trouble if that's what they have to pick from.

Frank took some video along with Sam so I guess you'll see what they have of the speakers. Wow, you really missed something if you weren't there. There were some great patriots there. And I don't use the word patriot very often, but that sure describes what happened tonight.
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