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Old 04-26-2010, 05:15 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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Yes, Rimo you're correct. But it is the Democrats of today that are standing in the way of fixing the problem we have today. Some Republicans also, but the Democrats of today are not the Democrats of 40 years ago. Completely different animal. What we have today are the leftovers of the 60's that haven't had to live long enough with the problems they want to overlook. Just give it time. Maybe you and I won't be around to see the results if things don't get addressed, but just a little common sense will tell you that things can't just keep going as they are. That's the common sense you have and that's why you're part of this cause.
I could write an entire novel from this post alone. I will agree with just about everything in the post, it gets dangerous to agree 100% with something.

Most of the trouble with people today is they chose a side or a certain politician and then can not be swayed. Another problem is no one seems to remember beyond last week. How many will take the word of their favorite politician over common sense? People are just like the politicians they want to do the BLAME someone else and we can never forget the name calling. Obama has his problems and I know them. I don't point them out because there are those who really only want to block him from accomplishing anything even if it is good for the country. There are those who think the GOP is the answer to everything and KILL THE DEMS. I pick the one who can think about the good of the US.
I will continue to think about what I do politicially and hope it will be the best for all American Citizens.
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