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Old 04-16-2010, 04:28 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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I am so tired of race ruling every conversation. Illegal immigration has now changed to RACE. Seems to me we are losing the Illegal immigration because everyone connects it to race. There was a time when I will say the Black populaton was at the bottom or the end of every line of everything. Now they are (in the minds of some) still at those line ends but every Illegal of any color or origin wants to advance to the head of the line. I wonder how anyone believes we can still be the country we once were if we are all always fighting about race.
Black people cannot for get where they were say in 1920 and others want them to be there again. I must say I am against Illegal immigration by anyone and I do not place one race over nor below any other.

The Tea Party is beginning to appear to be more racist than I thought at first. I know a lot of you Tea Party people and I do not think of you as racists but you will have to distance your selves from those who have infiltrated you the same as the skin heads tried to do with the old SOS, we rejected them, all of us did.
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