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Old 03-26-2010, 10:45 AM
Kathy63 Kathy63 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 380

I have a friend who lives in Hemet. She's lived there for 9 years and seen it go from nice little place to retire to hispanic gang hellhole. Whatever the origins of the Vagos, they are a hispanic gang in Hemet. They have expanded their "war" from the police to the city itself, firebombing city code enforcement vehicles.

Here is the problem with Vagos and Hemet. The city is full of retirees who have vastly different ideas of community than the more urban dwellers. They moved out there to escape the same kind of life that the Vagos and company want to impose.

These retirees are well armed and unafraid. My friend, an elderly woman who lives alone except for her Belgian Mastiff and Pit Bull dogs has a number of guns, one or two in each room of her home. If this hispanic gang thinks they are going to make a little Juarez out of Hemet they might find themselves on permanent vacation fertilizing the desert.
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