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Old 03-01-2010, 08:51 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
The minute that anyone opposed to the international immigration problem starts mincing their words so as not to offend the defenders of illegal immigration, then they might as well give up. The only reason they assume an offended position is because they know that opposition to illegal immigration requires a conscience. Having a conscience makes you vulnerable in a way that the open borders will never be. They have no conscience. It is a fake pose carefully calculated to manipulate those who do have a conscience.

If you are angry, if you wish to stand up and speak in no uncertain terms and give words to your anger and outrage, you have an obligation to your conscience to do so. Your only responsibility is to stand by your words and show some reflection and integrity. That's all. Ignore people who tell you to "Shut the f**k up". Ignore people who won't even pretend to care what you are actually saying

I'll say it again. Illegal immigrants need to be hunted down and thrown out. Nobody who does not have permission to be here should imagine they have a moment's peace. Not them, not their children, not their grandparents. Nobody. This country is not a nursery nor a retirement home nor a hospital for anyone sneaking accross the border. "Shut the f**k up"? Get the f**k out. Now.
I know exactly what you are saying, and this is what I see:

1) An old film clip which documented a WWII German officer beating an old Jewish man to the ground, beat and kicked him some more, then killed the old man with a pistol.

2) The guys who unfurled a Nazi flag at an SOS rally some years ago, whether they came from the National Socialists seeking to embarrass SOS for spurning them or were part of the far left seeking to discredit SOS's efforts concerning illegal immigration.

What do you do besides run your hate spewing mouth?

I will guarantee you one thing, and it's certainly a promise. If you or any of your buddies show up on my doorstep with your racist attitude, you will receive an unpleasant education as to why you should have reconsidered your itinerary.

I never thought I ever would say anything like I am saying to you at SOS.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 03-01-2010 at 09:33 PM.
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