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Old 11-02-2009, 10:05 AM
LAPhil LAPhil is offline
Continent Thief
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Tralfamador
Posts: 454

Here's one:

Instead of copying and pasting an entire article which is inordinately long and/or contains a lot of internal links and embedded symbols, please just post the link to the article and/or copy and paste a part of it such that it doesn't take up a lot of space on the board. That way the article gets the attention the poster desires and allows everyone else to link to it if they want to read it themselves. It's kind of annoying to see a lot of long articles on the board. Another thing is if you find there is a lot of that embedding and highlighted garbage that shows up with the copy and paste, please take a minute or so to clean it up so it looks readable. It's really not that hard. A certain person who can not be named used to be notorious for not doing this, especially with those World Net Daily articles.

Ich Bin Ein Arizonan!

"I entirely reject the concept, however, of "anchor babies." If parents are found to be here illegally, then the whole family, children as well, should be sent back to the parents' country of origin."

Last edited by LAPhil; 11-02-2009 at 02:57 PM.
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