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Old 02-25-2010, 04:24 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
You can argue all day long about what the native Americans deserve based on their own culture. But in the end, you are up against the grim reality that native americans have had their land forced from them. It doesn't matter that native Americans have suffered the same inadequacies that cultures tend to suffer from. They deserved to own and be identified with the land they were found on. If anything is to be disputed, it is which native Americans are entitled to which land so far after the fact.

The Aztecs were a bloody, inhuman empire. Does that mean they deserved to be exterminated as a culture? Didn't they deserve a chance to see what the rest of the world was like and confront their own inadequacies in the face of new knowledge about their own and other human existance? Didn't they deserve their own land? Where else would they be expected to go?
I believe the problem lies with multiculturalism, separation by race and ethnicity pretending to be something other than racial division.

They believe it is somehow possible to have a slice each of Mexico, Vietnam, Korea, Indian country, Hawaii, ad infinatum, in their neat tidy packages in every American town, all untouched by one another and especially devoid of American influence.

The politically correct apartheid of mythical multiculturalism singing the old funk song, "thank you for letting me be myself", while forcing foreign cultures down American throats.

Instead of everyone becoming "US", the kids are being taught that everyone who is not a white American has a a racial and ethnic axe to grind and grievances to be addressed.

The casino Indians like to pretend they are "sovereign nations", while lubricating local, state and federal politicians with campaign contributions, use state ID for identification and have state license plates on their cars. Then some have tried to build casinos where their shifting ancestral lands didn't extend to. It's just a money making venture wrapped in just one more entitlement myth of modern oppression.

If it weren't for the myth of modern victimization, the "Latino" would be either just another of a long list of immigrants from everywhere else or the descendant of immigrants like anyone else, including Indians. That's how the mandate of brown supremacy is justified, allegation of victimization. The excuse for favor over others and special concessions for one's self.

The Aztecs? Ancient history, an arrogant people who understood better than Christian Spaniards the concept of a god sacrificing his own offspring for the "good" of mankind. Or the question of modern Mexican Catholicism, just who is really worshiped at Tepayac? Guadalupe the mother of Jesus, or Tonantzin the mother goddess? Or might it be an amalgamation?

I am not responsible responsible for anything which may have or not occurred before my birth, nor am I responsible for anything for which I didn't have a hand in during my lifetime.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 02-25-2010 at 06:17 PM.
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