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Old 02-25-2010, 01:34 PM is offline
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
I don't know why you keep bugging me about it. I've made myself perfectly clear on the subject and so is the constitution and its history, despite what the rat crackers in the supreme court say about it. If you value your own citizenship -- and not everybody does -- there is no other conclusion.

Dude, I'm not trying to bug you. Really. I'm trying to understand your position. You're not answering the questions I'm asking. Maybe I'm phrasing them poorly.

Look, I comprehend what you've said. You believe:

A. Where Obama was born is irrelevant for the purpose of his being able to occupy the White House.

B. People who value citizenship must reach the same conclusions on this issue as you have.

C. Not all people value their citizenship.

D. The Constitution is being subject to a misinterpretation (perversion)

E. You hold the members of the Supreme Court in low regard.

What I don't understand is why you believe he isn't a citizen. You've stated his father is a British citizen. How does that impact his ability to be the U.S. President?

I'll try to rephrase it ( I really want to understand your argument ).

Which of these do you believe is necessary to be born a U.S. citizen? -

A. One of your parents must be a United States citizen.

B. The child's father must be a United States citizen.

C. Both of your parents must be United States citizens.

D. One parent may be a United States citizen, and the other must have legal residence in the U.S.

E. Neither parent needs to be a United States citizen, but both must have legal residence in the U.S.

F. Other (please describe)

My second question is: Is there something else besides being born a U.S. citizen that is required to hold the presidency (Other than being 35 or older)?

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

CF, please stop scattergun blast posting this thread with cut and pastes from Youtube, WND and writings from that Italian lawyer in Jersey who has an internet blog. I understand why you think Obama shouldn't be President. He was born in Kenya and this whole Hawaii story is a big fat fib, right? I get it. Your position is not lost on me; I'm trying to figure out Twoller's.

Last edited by; 02-25-2010 at 02:42 PM.