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Old 02-09-2010, 04:49 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by tedd69 View Post
You see,

that's the problem with America. We have a mixing pot of idiots who don't want to share ideas outside their own asinine boxed in reality. What the hell good am I going to do share my ideas with like minded people?
Sounds like the "kettle" calling the "mixing pot" black.

Ted, I'll bite.

You people are fighting the wrong! and I am getting sick of stupid, ignorant Americans with no understanding of the bigger picture.

You people need serious culture.
What's your grand picture?

I've had decades of real life experience concerning the "big picture" of illegal immigration. Tell me about your comprehensive "big picture". What real life experience do you have concerning your "big picture"?

And, please spare me the script. I understand the gulf between Mexicans and their relatives (from near to distant) born here, the state of being in between. That conflict is part of my household and of many of my friends.

And again, what is your definition of "culture"? What really is "culture" to you? What real life experience can you relate to your definition of "culture"?

Ball's in your court.

However, I've seen people like what I "assume" of you before. You're probably a hit and run, rather than hang around for a serious exchange of beliefs you'll get a few cheap, unsubstantiated shots in and run for cover. A couple weeks down the road, you'll do it again, a 30 second log in, bait, and bail.

That's a poser.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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Last edited by ilbegone; 02-09-2010 at 05:10 PM.
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