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Old 01-31-2010, 03:52 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by usa today View Post
We have allowed in WAY to many legal latinos

Now they have an agenda aka Kosovo

They will just keep sneaking in and breeding until they actually do control everything

They want the control , they hate Whites and they are arrogant and they know they are getting away with murder.

Some future generation will have to deal with them or go back to Europe

I see no third choice
What you're experiencing in regards to the La Raza agenda is what is being taught in our schools. Take notice how many times we read or hear from the "Professors of such and such university". It is a complete revamping of the American way of life, and it starts with what they call "educating us" and by that they mean, make us feel guilty or sorry for what we are as a society and we will then be accepting of their "change". All to the benefit of the globalists who fund the universities and who want better access to the worlds markets and cheep labor. But first they must "educate" us.

Take notice how often you read someone saying "they need to be educated" as though anyone who doesn't agree with their ideology is just "uneducated" that in itself is the put down to belittle and degrade those that don't agree. We hold our universities as the best in the world, but what they are doing now is manipulating society to benefit their benefactors. Ford Foundation is a huge contributor, along with all the other globalist corps. This is no conspiracy theory, these are facts.

This financial crisis has brought a great deal of it out in the open and only now are so many questioning who exactly is in charge. But it all comes through your front door through our schools. Ask a young kid what he or she thinks of America, and you'll have your answer as to where it starts.

We are being replaced with people who want that 'change' because they don't know what was there/here in this country to begin with, either they're new here or young. They are actually the ones who are 'uneducated and ignorant' to how great this country actually is, or at least was.

Last edited by Jeanfromfillmore; 01-31-2010 at 03:59 PM.
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