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Old 10-27-2009, 08:54 PM
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Papoose Papoose is offline
Love One Another.
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Southern Mexifornia
Posts: 167

PS: I never knew what American History X was about. It sounds interesting and I'll have to check it out.

Originally Posted by Eagle1 View Post
American History X was an excellent movie and I have it somewhere in my collection. I haven't seen it in a number of years and I enjoyed it thoroughly then. I think I will look at it again..with renewed interest.

On the real life front one of my black friends , Amir Raheem, former black panther, American patriot now and always a Marine told me that he had to bunk with a NAZI in the corp. They resented each other to the fullest and when in time they discovered one another on a psychological level they became the best of friends.

Amir told me that he thinks once out of the corps his friend might not be as soft now as then but the incident proves that when people get to know one another relationships become redefined by of all things reality.

Well here's to the idea that the responsible compassionate elements of society can gain control of our government and provide for all of us the fullest of our freedoms and economic prosperity with true justice for all.
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