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Old 01-30-2010, 04:52 PM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
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What? You lost me with that one. How does it logically follow? Illegal aliens aren't immigrants, they don't deserve to be legalized.

Originally Posted by Don View Post
The issue isn't whether third world primitives are here legally or not. The issue is they are unsuited for modern, advanced civilization. They are subsidized by the ruling classes and used as a battering ram to reduce wages, suck up public resources and ethnically cleanse Americans from their own country. Most of metropolitan LA is no longer even recognizably American.

Mexicans belong in Mexico. THAT'S WHY THEY'RE CALLED MEXICANS!

If they want to work hard, let them work hard in their own damned country, not mine!

That's not a responsive answer. I understand your position about people from Mexico belonging in Mexico. What I don't understand is why you believe it is logical for someone who supports immigration to be in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens. What am I missing here?
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