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Old 01-29-2010, 05:17 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Point of clarification.

The plight of our hospitals seems to be misunderstood here by some if not many. Let's clarify.

The costs of treating illegal aliens that the hospitals are incurring accrue legally to the Federal Government who is supposed to reimburse the hospitals for the costs incurred. The Federal Government just doesn't do it. There are some cases where they reluctantly dole out small sums of money to some hospitals in some states but it is woefully inadequate. So it is the penny pinching, cheap skate Government.

However, the government doesn't generate any revenue. They collect taxes from the citizens. So effectively, if the Government paid 100 cents on the dollar it would come from our pockets ! It's a double edge sword. It depends on whose ox is being gored !

Take the case of Marin County hospital in Florida. An illegal alien sustained massive head trauma. His lengthy stay cost the hospital 2 million dollars. They finally chartered an airplane and flew him back to his country, I think it was Guatemala. So guess what - everybody sued the hospital including the family.

Lets take the case of the pregnant Mexican muchachas who sit at the border at 8 1/2 months then race across to give birth in the USA. I think I read that 70% of births in one Texas hospital were illegal border jumpers.

Once those illegal mamas give birth the baby is an American and the milking machine begins. An anchor baby is worth $10,000 annually in prenatal care, post natal, Medicaid, food stamps, County, State and Federal give aways.

So far as Haitians being treated in Miami hospitals, it's the Federal Government who has to reimburse them.

Personally I think there is a limit to how much we can or should do in Haiti. After all we do have several ships down there now fully equipped. One carrier has 3 operating rooms. There is a hospital ship with 1,000 beds. We have 11,000 armed forces in country. We are flying in hundreds of thousands of pounds of food and medical supplies.

George Clooney donated $1 million. Leonardo Dicaprio donated $1 million., John Travolta flew in 6 tons of medical supplies in his personal 707. I think the American people have done more than enough.

What has Mexico done ?

Cuba ?

Venezuela ?

The other Caribbean Islands ?

The Dominican Republic put troops on the border to seal it and stop refugee's.
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