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Old 01-18-2010, 01:36 PM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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Posts: 406
Default Email from CCIR Regarding SOS

I would ask all who read this email that Barabara Coe is indeed a patriot and has been in the fight longer than many of us have. That she would categorize SOS as she has and publicly issue a statement of non support is indeed bizarre and probably due to present associations that she has. Still there is an issue of personal responsibility here.

If we are patient she may see that we are patriots one and all.
Unfortunately our country is out of time.

Perhaps some of you may want to contact her in a civil and polite fashion and begin a dialogue with her to mend relations if you think it wise or needed.



Do you agree with Chelene Nightingale's message? If so, below is how you can support her as a candidate for CA Governor:

Financial Support: Check her website to donate by credit card or by check or money order.

Registration (Filing Fee) and Vote Support: There are TWO dedicated patriots who are AIP (American Independent Party) candidates for state office:
2. ROBERT LAUTEN: CA Treasurer

Many of us are registered Republicans, Dems, Libertarians, etc. However, If you wish to support and vote for these PATRIOT candidates:

a) Obtain a VOTER REGISTRATION FORM from the Post Office, Library, or Registrar of Voters [ROV] in YOUR area.
b) Complete it, noting your Party as "American Independent Party" and HAND it to the ROV or MAIL it to the ROV in YOUR area.
c) This changes your Party affiliation and allows you to:
1. SIGN their Registration (Filing Fee) form (saving them $20+ per signature)- a GREAT savings for them & does not cost YOU a dime!
2. Authorizes YOU to VOTE for them in the CA PRIMARY ELECTION - June 7, 2010.
d) AFTER the 6/7/10 Primary election, if you choose to rejoin your ORIGINAL Party, simply obtain a VOTER REGISTRATION FORM and "re-register" as a member of that Party. This authorizes you to vote for ANY candidate of ANY Party in the GENERAL ELECTION in Nov 2010.

I hope I have shared procedure accurately. If not, please advise.

PS: Re SOS (Save Our State), neither of our former patriot champions, JOE TURNER or CHELENE NIGHTINGALE now head this once great patriot organization.

CCIR has learned that some whom we believed were dedicated PATRIOTS, have betrayed our trust. CCIR will not support any of the "new" SOS efforts.

PPS: FG: I trusted you with my LIFE. How could you do this?
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