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Old 01-03-2010, 08:50 AM
Don Don is offline
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
Notice how many times you have used the word "Mexican". But this is entirely unnecessary. Try to strike the word "Mexican" from your vocabulary when confronting immigration problems and even though the problem is primarily from Mexicans, you will still have an effective voice against the basic problem. It is just as important to confront illegal immigrants from Ontario or Quebec or Russia or any other place besides Mexico.

See if you think this is still speaking firmly, aggressively and without apology:

"Illegal aliens are criminals who broke the law to take jobs, heathcare and education from American citizens. They are are transforming American cities into slums. Americans have a moral and legal right to defend American civilization from this destruction by people who have no right to be here."

"Illegal aliens should work hard creating a better life in their own land, not coming here and ruining ours."

"America has a right to exist and defend itself against foreign invasion. America has have as much right to defend against an immigrant invasion today as it did against threatened German and Japanese invasions in WW2. America was not obligated to surrender to Japan or Germany because most Japanese and Germans are 'hardworking people who want a better life.'"

"Illegal aliens are taking American jobs, bankrupting American Hospitals, degrading American public schools, and transforming American cities into filthy stinking slums. Illegal aliens are invaders who have no legal right to be here. They already have their own country and they should respect our right to have ours."

"It's wrong to force American workers to pay taxes to care for refugees."
Illegal aliens from Ontario, Quebec or Russia? Are you nuts? Have you ever even seen any illegal aliens from those places? I haven't. We're being invaded by Mexicans, not by Russians or Canadians.

I am so sick of infiltrators who undermine resistance with these kinds of comments. You will never defeat an enemy if you don't identify them.We're being invaded and overrun by Mexican hordes, not Canadian or Russians.
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