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Old 12-31-2009, 09:21 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
"We clean your toilets." Right? They should have said "They clean our toilets. And there is no way we are going to clean our own."

It sounds like you are making observations about her and illegals that are a closs parallel to Obama and African Americans. It's almost like there is a pattern or template.

But is Marguia really a good talking point for this rally, or any rally? Is this really a defensive reaction against all this strife we have been hearing from the Minutemen and SOS itself? That might be a little shallow and obvious.
It's not my rally nor am I desiring to hijack the theme of a rally. Nor is it my purpose to hijack this thread or get in a pissing match with you about it.

There are quite a few facts and figures I have presented in the past concerning education of the children of illegals and other situations concerning illegals. The organizer of the rally moved them from another site to this site.

It's a rally concerning illegal immigration, not Murguia. No one has to even bring up Murguia's name. However, even though disconnected from the reality of illegal immigration, she nevertheless sees much of what we do - with a whacked out race based solution which is unworkable and wastes my tax dollars.

Murgia is also an example of how obsession for a cause defeats the desired results of a cause. There's lots of answers to questions one could derive from Murguia and those like her, including their quotes.


You completely lost me on the bit about strife, and this is not the thread to be bringing it up.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 12-31-2009 at 09:24 PM.
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