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Old 12-30-2009, 08:56 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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I haven't verified it, but this is supposed to be a Janet Murgia quote. If it really is, it just goes to show how whacked out a person can get:

“We want to make sure that everyone has access to the American dream. I think Los Angeles can lead the way. We have the opportunity. This is our moment.”

Janet Murguia quote
Murguia seems to agree that illegal immigration depresses wages and collection of taxes:

The solution we advocate is one that restores the rule of law that unites families,
that treats all workers fairly, and that puts people in the system and on the road to earn

This is comprehensive immigration reform in a nutshell. Comprehensive reform
will allow us to control our borders, bring 12 million workers out of the shadows, and
restore order, fairness, and balance to our immigration system.

And it will help all workers in this country by lifting wages, increasing tax
revenues, and creating a level playing field for workers and employers...

...We understand that a strong economic recovery is built on a platform of shared
prosperity, and immigration reform is part and parcel of that approach. When you have
a system in which 1 in 20 workers is susceptible to exploitation, it affects working
conditions for everyone. When you have a system where bad employers abuse
workers and avoid taxes, it undermines us all (the Congressional Budget Office has
estimated that previous reform proposals that would get people in the system would
have generated new revenue at the tune of $48 billion to $66 billion dollars).

And that is why we also need to make sure that we have a verification system
that helps crack down on these unscrupulous employers but we need to make sure that
it is a sound system. Because the only thing worse than no verification system is a
flawed one.
And it seems she is aware of some of the other problems:

But new data from the Population Reference Bureau paint a sad mosaic for the future of these kids, one that shows up to 44% of all U.S. children living in poverty in 2030 to be Hispanic. That future is not so hard to believe when we consider the current predicament of Latino kids.

Today, more than one-fourth of Latino children live in poverty. Three-fifths live in low-income families. More than one-fourth of Latino four-year-olds are not enrolled in early childhood education programs. Almost one-fifth have difficulty speaking English. One in five does not have health insurance. About two out of every five teens and preteens are obese or overweight. Only 55% graduate from high school. And Latino youth are overrepresented in the juvenile justice system and adult jails.
It seems Murguia lives in Washington DC, and spends a lot of time on airplanes.

She also had something to do with producing Desperate Housewives as well as everything else she has her fingers into..
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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Old journeyman commenting on young apprentices - "Think about it, these are their old days"


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Last edited by ilbegone; 12-30-2009 at 09:32 PM.
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