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Old 12-18-2009, 03:04 PM
LAPhil LAPhil is offline
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Originally Posted by Kathy63 View Post
Then it is incumbent upon those who object to speak up. Otherwise they run the risk of joining the mythical moderate muslims. At least muslim organizations give some lip service to condemning their errant brothers (I doubt they mean it).

Unfortunately, to very many blacks, the ones who speak up are treated worst of all. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Walter Williams, Bill Cosby, fine vocal men (although Cosby is quite a racist himself) that certainly are not treated well in their own communities.
I still have to disagree with you there. I think it's incumbent upon other people not to assume that a few bad apples necessarily spoil the whole bunch. Should the Jewish people in this country speak up about the fact that they're not all like Bernie Madoff? After all, he perpetutes the stereotype of the conniving, money-grubbing Jew, right? Even if there were a thousand Bernie Madoffs out there, it still wouldn't be correct to assume that Jews can't be trusted as a rule.

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