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Old 05-18-2020, 08:53 AM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
I don't have anything to do with social media, it's a racket where people go to tell their life stories, everything they do and everywhere they go.

Then the social media site turns you into a predictive behavior marketing profile with surveillance capitalism and sells YOU and your information for advertisment or any other purpose that makes them money.

And it's a good way to get your house burglarized while you're on vacation because you had to tell everyone in the world where you were going and how long you'll be gone.

Then there's the jerks that have to tell everything they think they know about you, including you being on vacation or have to take 360 degree pictures of everywhere they go and everything that's going on around them and post pictures of you, wittingly or not, on social media. It's like it's too much to ask "could you please leave me alone."

There are times I really miss the days of that ugly ass rotary dial phone you had to rent from Ma Bell, even with the eavesdroppers on the party line, at least they wouldn't be talking about you from half way around the world.

I do everything I can to keep google and all the other privacy invading jerks from following me around.

Stalin and Mao would have paid any price to get the extensive personal info now collected by tech firms.
I would say, use it to confound them
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