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Old 12-17-2009, 06:33 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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I might also add that this family had both parents and were getting Medical, foodstamps and WIC. This doesn't include the $2,000 a month in education the taxpayers are paying already to educate the two they already had. If they couldn't get by with having two kids, why did they feel it was ok to have another.
Why do they need to do any thing except just get here. Just look at what they are getting for just being here and having 2 3/4 kids. No need to work. You did not mention housing assistance but I bet it is there.
Then the thing that always ruins Christmas for me are all the TOY drives and food donations. The lead based Chinese toys should not even be in this country, Give them a BOOK, and I don't mean a comic book. I believe in helping the needy, those who lost a job through no fault of their own, illness in the family, the home destroyed by fire.
All this free hand out merely makes them expect to get what ever they need or want FREE, all you have to do is collect a bunch of kids and stand in a line.
If I sound harsh blame it on the churches, Toys for Tots, The Fire Dept toy drive etc. I could go on and on. How long do those toys last and don't you know China is happy?
Have a Merry Christmas!
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