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Old 02-25-2015, 01:55 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 801
Default So Incisive.

I always enjoy those super intelligent individuals with an obvious elevated IQ who cans decipher the diatribe and cut to the chase with seeming ease.

Cutting through all of the propaganda, smoke mirrors, spin, disingenuous diversions.

What a sad day for my country. Polluted with so many undesirables with so many off the rails, polluted, corrupted afflictions that obviously are supremely superficial, and patently illogical, bordering on the absurd too often. All too many lame brained, indifferent, free rider, citizens who won't participate. Thus the burden falls on those of us who care and carry on.

The stated percentage, right or inaccurate, is only 35% of motivated, caring citizens who will act and express interest. The rest are deplorable excess baggage.

Obviously we need to knuckle down and pick up the slack.
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