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Old 11-21-2014, 02:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post
Biden isn't any worse than Obama and Obama IS NOT any better than Biden, not one bit better! Look at how low Obama has put us in the world standing. Biden could have even done better! Biden puts his foot in his mouth, but Obama's agenda is a danger to the country. No one is going to convince me at this point that Obama is a better choice. At least Biden isn't a Muslim in sheep's clothing! Biden's idiocy is part of his person. I don't think he's as deceitful as Obama. Obama is an equal to Hitler in his danger and isn't worth the air he breaths.
You're taking me too seriously.

I busted my gut laughing while putting that ridiculous lampoon of Biden together, I saw every microsecond of it in my head. I've occasionally mulled over why Obama would oddly pick someone like Biden to be vice president, it strangely makes sense that he wanted a poison pill to exact revenge for removal from office.

I really did work with a guy you had to keep busy or he'd start partying with his invisible friends, then cuss them all out. I saw the black eye sockets and heard the demon voices on many occasions, which scared a lot of people who didn't know him. Which was too bad, because he was a good journeyman and a nice guy who had some problems he couldn't shake off. Unlike "Gaffeman Joe" in the caricature above, He never pissed on anyone.

And yes, Obama is a serious danger to the nation. We've discussed many times about how there ever came to be such a thing as people voting for a president like they pick a face book "friend". It's a travesty.

Hopefully Obama has finally over reached one time too many and the public backlash pounds down progressive ideology just like it did in the aftermath of Woodrow Wilson's administration.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 11-21-2014 at 08:10 PM.
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