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Old 08-17-2014, 03:08 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Illegal

THAT is a gross and egregious violation of Federal Immigration and Customs laws. Clear and simple. Encouraging illegal aliens to stay, aiding and abetting.

Eric Holder sued Sheriff Joe Arpaio for enforcing the law but at the same time he gives a free pass to everyone that violates those same laws.

So what else is new? Both party's are guilty. It's the Latino infiltration and power of their vote that gets them the traction and emboldens them while providing win after win.

As I said: I lived overseas in many countries and while I love my country at the same time I lament that it is continuing to degenerate into a third world cess pool. But don't ever think that you Guys in California have an edge on the corruption and lawlessness. New York's last Mayor Bloomburg was off the rails but the new one DeBlasio has him beat hands down.
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