Thread: Precinct Diary
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Old 06-05-2014, 05:08 PM
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StokeyBob StokeyBob is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 96

I don't think there was much turn out because this seemed to be one of the sneak elections they run.

Well they used to anyway.

When I was a kid I noticed two types. The big elections where you heard all about them before they pulled them off on the news and stuff.

Then there were the sneak elections they used to pass thing like bond measures for the school budget. You never heard a peep about them in the paper or on the news. At school they would remind every child to make sure and remind your parents about the election tonight. They might even give you a note to take home or pin it to you.

This election seemed a lot like that. Even my polling place was hid off the beaten trail.

From the results they came up with it looks like enough people showed up that aren't TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY.
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