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Old 12-30-2013, 01:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post

I will say that this is not an illegal info forum any more. It is pure political now.
Nearly everything in life is a political exercise in one form or another. The perennial child pestering a parent with repeated "why"s when the instruction was "no" is a form of politics, as is a child being on good behavior just long enough to be rewarded in some fashion. So is punishment when the child won't behave.

Illegal immigration is awash in politics, from cajoling or forcing a politician to bend to your will - regardless of whatever side of several you're on, or forcing him out when he won't.

So, the solution to illegal migration is a political one...

Even though Obama has deported more illegals than any other President, he picks and chooses through executive policy as to which laws he will enforce (violating his oath to enforce the laws) and end running around Congress with executive orders, from illegal migration to lying about Benghazi to punishing dissenters with IRS audits and FBI investigations to further misusing the Justice department to his agendas to more back handed tricks to force his agenda past Congress and pack the judiciary with far lefties to much, much, more...

And, Obama has a vested interest in promoting citizenship for illegals and shoveling all sorts of freebies on them, because the political act of doing so will make them gullible tools who will commit the political act of blindly voting in favor of his larger political agenda...

...Which mainstream America hasn't just yet jumped in the bandwagon for - such as Obamacare.

So, for his many political sins against America, including but certainly not limited to illegal immigration, it is my personal opinion (and not that of Save our State, members, affiliates, or anyone one else other than I concerning this political statement) Obama would best serve America's common interests by having a majority within Congress of any party who would be willing to impeach and remove him. That may very well depend on the political act of voting out legislators who support Obama's political agenda concerning illegal entrants.

Then there may be hope of meaningfully addressing the political problem of illegal immigration, but not until then.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 12-30-2013 at 01:26 PM.
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