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Old 12-18-2013, 04:15 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Berzerk - gone mad !

And now the veterans.

Seems that wrong way Corrigan is bent on self imploding.

The news media isn't very forthcoming with details. At least I can't get enough details to draw a conclusion. Seems that the administration is stiffing the veterans, tampering with pensions and taking away !! What ????

Gleaning bits, pieces and shards the veterans are very unhappy about the admin cutting 6 billion from the Military and reducing pensions, breaking a promise. It sounds as though what I happening is that the "rate of increase" is being cut, not actually taking existing pensions or reducing current payments - that's over a long period of time apparently. I'm still waiting to hear what the actual number are. Only thing I heard was that over an enlisted mans life time he will "lose" $50,000". I heard also $124,000.

Let me say this. As a senior citizen I went two years with NO cost of living adjustment. Then got 1-1/2% . Congress VOTED THEMSELVES 4-1/2%!!!!

I'm a Veteran, Korea. I was in college and was drafted and yanked out to serve. My pay was $75 per month. No pension. I got a $10,000 life insurance policy which I still have, just enough to bury me without relying on relatives to pay. My GI bill wouldn't pay for college. I got a paltry sum and could only afford to pay for a pilots license.

Now there is no more draft. It's all voluntary.

Side board: Here in my county we are running a $128 million deficit. The Town of Clarkstown was paying the Chief of police $325,000 salary annually. One disabled officer was working one day a week and collecting $326,000 annually in disability. There were 50 police officers each paid $250,000 annually!!! *( The Union ).

Further the news said the "Pres" is at the second lowest approval rating in history.!!!!!

Bottom line: Apparently the Veterans were made a promise and the administration is reneging on it, so far as I can understand at present. I need more.

But I'm OK with all. Just keep it up. Charles Krauthammer says in January things will get really bad. We'll see. I'll wait for November 2014.
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