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Old 12-08-2013, 11:04 AM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
I'm just not getting it.

If Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger had even thought about any part of the incredibly unethical, unconstitutional, and further illegal shenanigans perpetrated in and about the Obama administration there would have been national upheaval on a dramatic scale.

However, all the lying, scandals, stalling, collective executive branch amnesia defying congressional investigations and sheer insolent chutzpa heaped on the American people by the Obama administration has resulted in...

...near silence.

I just cannot wrap my head around all this.
That was a different time, when we had an educated society and citizens that cared for and protected our republic. Today most just care about being entertained and letting others take on the responsibility.

We've had 5 years of Obama putting things in place and knocking out any opposition. He has what can only be described as a cult following that will follow him no matter what, and he uses those followers to attack any opposition. Think of Jim Jones at what lengths those people went to follow their leader there are huge parallels between the two. Look at Hitler and you can see how such a person can gain strength. Obama has and still uses the non-profits to spread his "word".

We have a society today that would rather stay home and play video games or watch Dancing With the Stars than get involved. Many of those same people don't have a clue of what a republic is, or who the Vice President is for that matter. Ask people on the street what the three forms of power are in this country and you'd be lucky to get 30% to give you the correct answer. That was something we learned in grammar school or at least by the 7th grade. But not today, today the bar is so low that teachers feel accomplished if they can get students to write one sentence properly at a fifth grade level.
Obama is so much like Hitler and Jim Jones it amazes me. We have a cult society where our idols are what Hollywood throws in our face and everyone wants to be part of the cool crowd, especially the media.
What you're seeing out there is a decline of society and our freedoms being taken away without so much as a single cry. It is so sad.

Last edited by Jeanfromfillmore; 12-08-2013 at 11:17 AM.
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