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Old 12-23-2012, 06:30 AM
Don Don is offline
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
I cannot agree with having guns in schools, manned by any person. What is to say that person/persons will not have one of those moments of insanity?
I own guns and they have always been safe and not a threat to any one.

That said, I wish there could be a ban on all assault weapons and the high number of bullets in those hight number clips. Seems to me , the only ones who should have those guns should be LEO and the BP. Of course the battle field needs them.l
NO guns in schools? Until very recently high school ROTC units all had guns in schools. I was captain of my ROTC rifle team. We had .22 Rem Target Rifles and M-1's and M-1 Carbines in the armory and every cadet was trained in handling, stripping and maintaining the M-1.

I have never done a study of crimes by ROTC personnel, but I have never heard of any. When I was in high school the problem was violence associated with football games with other schools and the ROTC people were never involved in that.

As for "assault weapons" if our presidents are claiming the right to have us killed as "terrorists" without charges, trials, or any other notice or due process, I want to be equally as well armed as the people that the President may send to kill me if he decides to designate me that way.

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