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Old 08-10-2012, 12:02 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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There are several directions I would like to go with this.

One is to better understand the historical functions of the democrat and republican parties. While the democrat party in the south was pro slavery and anti civil rights (It also seems to me as a generalization that the south was/is somewhat hostile to Catholics and Jews), it seems that in the northern cities the democrat party was ran by political machines which catered to immigrants in order to gather and maintain power (exchanging benefits for votes while turning embezzlement into an art form and enriching themselves with inside deals).

It also seems that 19th century political affiliation in the north had much to do with religion, protestants and Jews tended to be republican and Catholics tended to be democrat.

And what happened to the southern Anglican / Episcopalians of the late 18th and early 19th centuries who had so many differences with northern Puritans - differences which eventually became part of the Civil War? It seems to me that the south is now mainly Baptist and Pentecostal today. And there is still considerable difference between the north and south in many ways.

I'd also like to delve into the differences between Anglo American expansion and Spanish conquest which made the subsequently independent nations either successful or failures, not least the treatment of Indian populations - and that is not to suggest that the was one more or less humane than the other. What were the true causes of the 1660's King Phillip's war and did that, along with French and British wartime proclivity to use Indians as frontier surrogates contribute to American regard of Indians during the 19th century? And how about Indian empires continually at war with one another and nomadic bands of Indians constantly scrapping over territory? Witness the Aztec and Inca expansions or the Comanche from Wyoming pushing Apaches out of Texas as small examples of ongoing inter-tribal warfare and extermination between the polar zones.

And how does the failure of the attempt to turn Wisconsin into a German Province contrast or compare with the temporarily successful 1970's La Raza Unida takeover of Crystal City and Zavala County, Texas (engineered by Jose Angel Gutierrez)? The "Cristal Experiment", as racist ethnics studies professor Armando Navarro calls it, is the the current model for ethnic nationalist takeover of government, and it essentially turned Zavala county into a socialist, taxpayer funded ethnic commune. Or did it merely turn one racist pecking order upside down into another racist pecking order? The first thing Gutierrez did was fire or force out white employees of the two local governments and the school system and sought to pack law enforcement and the courts with "his people".

This all interests me and is relevant to the true understanding of how today is yesterday unfolded and the future yet unrevealed.

Otherwise, all we have is the old arguments buried in selective half truths that all whites have ever done in the Americas is to racially oppress others or that all Latinos are culturally backwards, congenital criminals - essentially everyone white and everyone brown is one or the other of two very evil persons, past and present.

Racists need racial hatred.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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"You can observe a lot just by watching." Yogi Berra

Old journeyman commenting on young apprentices - "Think about it, these are their old days"


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Last edited by ilbegone; 08-10-2012 at 12:39 PM.
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