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Old 12-06-2009, 12:37 PM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Don't be fooled.

On the matter of illegal hungry immigrants:
Here in my County –Rockland, 20 miles North West of NYC, there is a Shoprite Supermarket in Pearl River. They allow various do gooder, charitable and others such as Rotary and Lions to stand at the entrance/exit and solicit food. Entrants are handed a flier and exiter’s deposit bags of food in shopping carts. Now that we are in the Holiday season there is practically a solicitor every week end. Last week I saw 7 shopping carts piled high with bags of food.
Some of these collectors are associated with charitable organizations and some are independent, religious zealots. This all got started years ago when customers asked how they could contribute. A night employee, committed to the Catholic Church, stepped forward and started the process.
Some of these collectors hand out fliers that state where the donations go. These are basically numerous churches and charitable organizations all over the metropolitan area and suburbs.
I asked the solicitors if they knew how the food was dispositioned and distributed and they did not know. They said they handed it over to the person that recruited them. Then I asked if there was any paper work, inventory, chain of custody, accounting and again NO.
Numerous churches, most prominently the Catholic Diocese of New York, are completely defiant of Federal Law and sympathetic to illegal aliens. I have counted 120 entities in 11 county’s in and around NYC that cater outrageously to ILLEGALS. It is a massive problem.
I have checked some of these charities over a decade and they are totally sympathetic to illegal’s. I found that they actually were taking foods out to the illegal day laborers standing on the high ways soliciting.
Bottom line, some undetermined amount of food never reaches destination. The temptation to pilfer is too great. Some goes to illegal aliens. And some may actually go to needy Americans.
Until I can assess the actual problem more closely and accurately I will surmise the aliens pick off a significant amount of the food.
It is very troubling that our good hearted, well meaning, American, unsuspecting citizens are being fooled and exploited by these interloper s.

Last edited by wetibbe; 12-07-2009 at 07:13 AM.
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